Monday, July 29, 2013

Mug shots

We recently wrapped on our new Office of Highway Safety ad. As always it was hard work but I think it was worth it.  

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Homemade ads

Here's my first instagram homemade ad. It's called 'Flock of Jellyfish'.

Tonight I made my own commercial for RedBull. It's 15 seconds long and I used instagram. I had a blast. I've had all the elements ready to start filming for ages so I'm really happy I got round to it.

Anyone in advertising will know how frustrating it is to have ideas that you love, which will never go further than a few sentences on a page. That's why I love instagram so much! It's my new creative advertising outlet.

I love instagram and NYC

I spent the weekend with friends in Forrest Hills, New York. On the way we drove through Manhattan completely by mistake. And I'm really glad we did. It was really exciting to be in the middle of all the chaos. I realized how great instagram is for conveying the hustle and bustle we experienced. I need more practice filming but you'll get the gist.

Watch here