Thursday, April 14, 2011

The new Irn Bru ad - what do we think?

I don't love it. But what I do love is that YOU can star in the ad. You just need to upload a picture of your face onto the Irn Bru website. It's kind of like 'Elf Yourself'. And I can see kids actually putting themselves in the ad and sending it to one another. It's a fantastic viral idea. And Paolo Nutini was a great choice for the soundtrack.

On the down side: I don't think it's in line with the Irn Bru brand. And I'm not impressed with the animation.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Stumbling over the writer's block

I have a cure for writer's block. I'm not saying it'll work for everyone. But it works for me. And it's called StumbleUpon. Spend 20 minutes stumbling through random sites and it'll jump start your brain better than anything else I know. It's amazingly effective. One second you're looking at mountain lions in Sierra Nevada, the next you're reading a suicide note or learning how to make a paper aeroplane.

Give it a go here.

What do Sarah Palin, Mark Zuckerberg, and Lindsay Lohan have in common?

Their google search results are being used to sell self help books. Nice.

Images from Ads of the World

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Advertising pays the bills

As someone who's looking into mortgages (so freaking dull) this actually piqued my interest. Adzookie will pay your mortgage to turn your house into a billboard.
Find out all the legal stuff here.

I think it's an interesting idea. Could potentially make the world look like Legoland but I hear Legoland's quite good fun so...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The only wrapping paper you'll ever need!

They need to start selling this in shops. I'd buy it. It's perfect. Check it out here.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Sprinter applies for a job

This is a very clever ambient idea from Mercedes. They use the tires as kind of a printing press!