I joined Twitter a while back but never used it. I didn't really see the point. However, I've had a lot more time of late, and the devil makes work for idle hands. So I have been Twittering like a fool.
It really is quite fabulous. It has become my daily routine to get up and check my Twitter before I even pee. My dawn chorus is now the crowded sing song of the world wide web.
I receive constant information and news from interesting (and not so interesting) people I'm following. I get updates about advertising trends, copywriting, SEO, PR, marketing, the moon, and even banjo playing. I feel like I am on the cutting edge of everything. I am drunk on the power of information, instant information that I didn't even know I wanted.
The only thing is, it can get a little noisy. There's so much information fluttering around that my brain feels like it's being plucked and pulled in every direction. Often before I know it, I've been flying through the internet with no migration pattern in mind, aimless and completely lost, with no concept of time.
Like any budding addiction, the upside defeats the downside. I will continue Twittering Tweets and Retweets until I fly into a shiny, reflective and deceptively closed window.
Seven Cons About the New Social Media Platform Threads
It is necessary to understand the potential downside and limitations using
Threads for new business. I recently wrote an article about the powerful
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